The “Say NO to Violence against Women” campaign counts on each of us to speak out by signing up. Now, the United Nations Foundation is counting too. It has issued a challenge: for each of the first 100,000 signatures to the campaign, the UN Foundation will donate $1 to the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women. We need everyone’s help to get 100,000 people to sign on to the UNIFEM campaign so that $100,000 will be contributed to the Trust Fund for local initiatives working to prevent human trafficking, assisting survivors of domestic violence or helping implement laws against rape.
We know gathering 100,000 names is definitely a challenge, but we know that together we can do it. So please join me once again. Let’s renew our efforts to reach out to our organizations, colleagues, friends and family and encourage them to sign on at: http://www.saynotoviolence.org/.
Let’s show the world that there is an ever-growing movement of people who say “NO” to violence against women. Click and be counted.
Thank you.
The “Say NO to Violence against Women” campaign counts on each of us to speak out by signing up. Now, the United Nations Foundation is counting too. It has issued a challenge: for each of the first 100,000 signatures to the campaign, the UN Foundation will donate $1 to the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women. We need everyone’s help to get 100,000 people to sign on to the UNIFEM campaign so that $100,000 will be contributed to the Trust Fund for local initiatives working to prevent human trafficking, assisting survivors of domestic violence or helping implement laws against rape.
We know gathering 100,000 names is definitely a challenge, but we know that together we can do it. So please join me once again. Let’s renew our efforts to reach out to our organizations, colleagues, friends and family and encourage them to sign on at: http://www.saynotoviolence.org/.
Let’s show the world that there is an ever-growing movement of people who say “NO” to violence against women. Click and be counted.
Thank you.

UNIFEM Goodwill Ambassador