Thursday 10 January 2008

Gabriela Mistral

Today, in 1957, died in New York a great poet, first latin american woman to win the Nobel Prize for Litterature in 1945, she was Gabriela Mistral, born Lucila de María del Perpetuo Socorro Godoy Alcayaga in Vicuña, Chile, in 1889.

Her works show a very intimate themes of sorrow, maternity, death and love, themes that she knew trough her life when her first love lost life, when her beloved mother died, when her nephew also had suicide. She had a great life in satisfactions but also in misfortunes.
In her life she was a teacher and in her job among her students had, as a pupil, Pablo Neruda who encouraged to write.

She is known to be a poet, a teacher and a feminist, here is a little poem from Tala (Destruction) , her first book dedicated to her mother died in the meanwhile she wrote this work and from Desolaciòn.


"En la tierra seremos reinas,
y de verídico reinar, y siendo grandes nuestros
reinos, llegaremeos todas al mar

from "Tala";


La mujer que no mece un hijo en el regazo,(cuyo calor y aroma alcance a sus entrañas),tiene una laxitud de mundo entre los brazos;todo su corazón congoja inmensa baña.

El lirio le recuerda unas sienes de infante;el Angelus le pide otra boca con ruego;e interroga la fuente de seno de diamantepor qué su labio quiebra el cristal en sosiego.

Y al contemplar sus ojos se acuerda de la azada;piensa que en los de un hijo no mirará extasiada,al vaciarse sus ojos, los follajes de octubre.

Con doble temblor oye el viento en los cipreses.¡Y una mendiga grávida, cuyo seno florececual la parva de enero, de vergüenza la cubre!

from "Desolación" .

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