Sunday, 30 December 2007

Friday, 28 December 2007

To remember Benazir Bhutto, we have chosen this NYTimes's article, enjoy it, enjoy her life and her example...


Goodbye Benazir Bhutto a lovely,
thankful thinking to you...

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Best wishes to all !!!

I have chosen this Christina Rossetti's poem composed by her for the Christmas time, she was the sister of the most well known painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti, author of the picture here: "The Annunciation".

In the Bleak Midwinter
Christina Rossetti (1872)

In the bleak mid-winter
Frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron,
Water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow,
Snow on snow,
In the bleak mid-winter
Long ago.

Our God, Heaven cannot hold Him
Nor earth sustain;
Heaven and earth shall flee away
When He comes to reign:
In the bleak mid-winter
A stable-place sufficed
The Lord God Almighty,
Jesus Christ.

Enough for Him, whom cherubim
Worship night and day,
A breastful of milk
And a mangerful of hay;
Enough for Him, whom angels
Fall down before,
The ox and ass and camel
Which adore.

Angels and archangels
May have gathered there,
Cherubim and seraphim
Thronged the air,
But only His mother
In her maiden bliss,
Worshipped the Beloved
With a kiss.

What can I give Him,
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb,
If I were a wise man
I would do my part,
Yet what I can I give Him,
Give my heart.

Monday, 17 December 2007

Happy Birthday Jane!!!

Yesterday, 16 December, was Jane Austen's Birthday...we love you!!!

And don't forget: "There’s no one to touch Jane when you’re in a tight place."

This Little Bag

This little bag I hope will prove
To be not vainly made--
For, if you should a needle want
It will afford you aid.
And as we are about to part
T'will serve another end,
For when you look upon the Bag
You'll recollect your friend.

Jane Austen

Friday, 14 December 2007


A terrible family event happened next summer in Italy: a young pakistan girl named Hina was killed by her beloved: her father, her oncle and her brother in law. She was 21 years old and her fault was that one not to be a good Muslim; she wanted to dress in a western way, to marry an italian boy, she was too european, so her relatives thought to give her a lesson. All her family, her mother too, had planned the entire affair: while her mother with the other children were in Pakistan, the males of the family would have done giustice, so Hina was killed and buried in the garden, like everyone of us could do with one of our beloved pet.
For the first time in Italy, politics, pubblic opinion, and the society all, have realized that a problem with the immigrants was there. After some months later in which in Italy seamed to be only this issue in "agenda", nothing came new even after one year.
An answer to this terrible fact come now by a private association called ACMID (Moroccan women association) which has enable a free number for all arabic women in Italy victim of violence; this center answer in Arabic, Moroccan, French and English, and it is sponsorized by the Nando Peretti Foundation, a private foundation that support this iniziative called "No more alone", because it was not possible to find a public financing.
After Hina's murder one would hope a change in the immigration policies while untill nowadays nothing was made by istitutions, so the issue can be faced only by private, women again have to take care to other women, that's because, maybe our politics are too busy in other issues like scandals with transsexuals or prostitutes, having at home a sweet pregnant wife waiting for he, like every good wife should do.
All this make me think about a Geermain Greer's sentence: "We have no other choice but to turn and fight".

Saturday, 1 December 2007

The report

On Saturday, 24 November, the national event against violence against women was held in Italy . The initiative began spontaneously on Internet and has increased consistently... in fact the organizers have counted 150.000,00 people in the procession. The response of women in favor of other women was higher than any expectation; they have expressed: solidarity with the women victims of violence, against security policies that underestimate this problem, which is becoming increasingly worrying, in fact violence against women is viewed as a simple problem of security. Unfortunately, some linne-guide of procession were not held by media and politicians and the reaction to this lack is what has found a place in the media about the entire manifestation, this has thus once again wasted an opportunity to give visibility in a constructive and right way as in Italy this phenomenon is increasingly alarming, as shown by the, unfortunately now daily, news of the so called "femminicidio"(massacre of women).
To give more strength to the movement on January 12 in Rome there will be a national assembly as a place of expression, meeting and report, useful and practical tool to give continuity to the movement with a real sharing of practices and paths.

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Remember to do it!!!

Here is the mail from UNIFEM to call out everyone:

One in 3 women may suffer from abuse and violence in her lifetime. This is an appalling human rights violation. But we can put a stop to this.
As the Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations Development Fund for Women, UNIFEM, I am asking you to "say NO to violence against women" by joining our internet-based global advocacy effort. Widespread participation by people in every country sends a strong message to governments around that world that ending violence against women must be a top priority.
Please help us demonstrate that hundreds of thousands — even millions — demand action and insist on resources for programs that prevent, protect and provide services for survivors. How can you do it? By adding your name to our book ... by sending on to friends, family and colleagues so they can join.
I became UNIFEM's Goodwill Ambassador to amplify the voices of the women and girls who have been subjected to violence and abuse. That is why I was the first to sign up my name for this important campaign. Please add your name to mine. It's easy and it's fast. A special website has been created at where you will be able to sign on.
The more names we collect, the stronger our case to put ending violence against women on the top of the agenda and making the world a safer place for women. Thank you for joining me.

Nicole KidmanUNIFEM Goodwill Ambassador

Sunday, 25 November 2007

Joint UNIFEM on november 26th

This is the mail I receved and I put as it is:
On Monday, 26 November, UNIFEM and UNIFEM Goodwill Ambassador Nicole Kidman are launching an internet campaign asking people all over the world to raise their voices and add their names to an ever-growing movement of people saying NO to violence against women. The more names we collect, the stronger our case to make ending violence against women a top priority for governments everywhere. When the sign-on email arrives on 26 November, join Ms. Kidman and let survivors of violence around the world know that they can count on us. Click on or after November 26th and say NO to violence against women.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Violence against women in Rome

Next Saturday a demonstration against domestic violence on women will take place in Rome; the procession will move from Piazza della Repubblica at 14 and will end at Piazza Navona. This national event, is an important date for all women who are invited to participate. On site controviolenzadonna (againstwomenviolence) you can get all the information you need, even print the flyers and posters for the parade but above all you can sign an appeal for a new pact for coexistence between women and men that must be different from that one subject to the Patriarchate.
In that form you can sign your Surname, First name, e-mail, city, and in the last menu: Provincia at the end you can find Estero (Foreign).

Sunday, 18 November 2007

A Blog for everyone

Bienvenue et Bienvenu...
Benvenidas y Bienvenidos...
Benvenute e Benvenuti...

This is a great place to meet and exchange ideas, food for thought, a benchmark for whoever comes into gender issue and why not even where everyone can give a hand.

But not only, OG wants to be a tool to create a new intelligibility of women's everyday life to build a new awareness of gender female, proposing ideas which could give us a diferent way to see things across us that we usually see with other interpretive readings.

This blog would cover, amateur level, gender issues, aimed at women because reflect the right to their own identity, both men, because they are involved, and not excluded from the path that women must do to gain their conscience.

But here we also want your help: If you are interested in your say, send your contribution, and if the arguments will be sensitive and respectful of others and its content valid, it will be posted.

A Good Start for all of us...

Saturday, 17 November 2007

Un blog per tutte e tutti....

Bienvenue et Bienvenu...
Benvenidas y Bienvenidos...
Benvenute e Benvenuti...

Questo è un luogo di ritrovo e scambio di idee, di spunti di riflessione, un punto di riferimento per chi si accosta alle tematiche di genere e perchè no anche dove ognuno può dare il suo contributo.

Ma non solo, OG vuole essere anche uno strumento per creare una nuova intelligibilità del quotidiano femminile per costruire così una nuova coscienza di “genere” femminile, proponendo spunti ai quali ci si avvicina di solito con altre letture interpretative.
In questo blog si tratteranno, a livello amatoriale, tematiche di genere, rivolte sia alle donne, perchè sappiano cogliere il diritto ad una loro identità, sia agli uomini, perchè siano coinvolti, e non esclusi, dal cammino che le donne devono fare verso una loro coscienza.

Ma qui vogliamo anche il vostro coinvolgimento: se siete interessate a dire la vostra, mandate un vostro contributo e se gli argomenti saranno ritenuti rispettosi dell'altrui sensibilità e i contenuti validi sarete postati.

Un Buon inizio a tutte/i noi...