One in 3 women may suffer from abuse and violence in her lifetime. This is an appalling human rights violation. But we can put a stop to this.
As the Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations Development Fund for Women, UNIFEM, I am asking you to "say NO to violence against women" by joining our internet-based global advocacy effort. Widespread participation by people in every country sends a strong message to governments around that world that ending violence against women must be a top priority.
Please help us demonstrate that hundreds of thousands — even millions — demand action and insist on resources for programs that prevent, protect and provide services for survivors. How can you do it? By adding your name to our book ... by sending on to friends, family and colleagues so they can join.
I became UNIFEM's Goodwill Ambassador to amplify the voices of the women and girls who have been subjected to violence and abuse. That is why I was the first to sign up my name for this important campaign. Please add your name to mine. It's easy and it's fast. A special website has been created at http://www.saynotoviolence.org/ where you will be able to sign on.
The more names we collect, the stronger our case to put ending violence against women on the top of the agenda and making the world a safer place for women. Thank you for joining me.

Nicole KidmanUNIFEM Goodwill Ambassador
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