Monday, 28 January 2008

Last but not least...

The law 493/99 rules domestic work with an assurance for all Housewives whom work is recognized by article 6 of the Chapter III: " Lo Stato riconosce e tutela il lavoro svolto in ambito domestico, affermandone il valore sociale ed economico connesso agli indiscutibili vantaggi che da tale attività trae l'intera collettività. A tale fine, il presente capo introduce misure finalizzate alla tutela dal rischio infortunistico per invalidità permanente derivante dal lavoro svolto in ambito domestico" ; "the italian state recognize and protect domestic work, saying it is of a high social and economic value for the entire society. Therefore with this law is introduced an obbligatory assurance for all housewives [...]".
But it is of today the news, but we italian women known this well, that the labour market is not easy, we are on the 29 place in the european women in labour ranking, this is the considerations of the Director of the Censis (Centro Studi Investimenti Sociali- Italian Investment Research Center) who proposes some recipes as more services to families as Kindergartens or assistance to old people, but not to women only!, more collaboration in families between men and women and to do so no economic reliefs to families because it will be detriment for women who will be not stimulate to work.
Good words I say but the reality is that just few days ago I couldn't get a work because I'm a women and I may stay pregnant, It's a reality that in factories don't exist kindergardens, that a woman have to work twice from morning to night and It's good to increase the collaboration between men and women but it's not increasing the age for the pension as the same level of men that we create equality; I think that improvements must be done thinking to the differences and recognizing them not amalgamating all always under a male point of view.
And, last but not least, I want to remind to this guy who afferm: "Finchè questo non avverrà l'Italia rimarrà un paese da terzo mondo"; "Untill this (all the points viewed upon) will be not create Italy will rest as an african state", taht in Africa there are more women in parlament than in our democratic and healthy (?) Italy.

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